Monday, February 23, 2009

Railea's Newborn Session

I got to do my little granddaughter's newborn session this weekend and I'm thinking we have a model in the making! As promised, here are more images of our angel. I'll post more soon, Mommy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our Little Princess

I am so excited to introduce my first grandchild (aka Sweet Little Princess)...Miss Railea Peyton. Railea was born on Sunday evening in Mayfield, and is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen (next to her mama, of course!). I could be slightly biased, I suppose, but she certainly is beautiful. I've yet to make it home to my main computer to edit her first images, but couldn't wait to share at least one. You'll definitely be seeing LOTS of this little cutie! A prouder Nana there never was :-)


Here's a sneak peek from Stephanie's Senior session. It was a lot of fun & we got some awesome images! More later, guys.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Five Minute Maternity Session

Amanda has had a difficult pregnancy. She's been sick practically the whole time - in and out of the hospital several times in the past 2 weeks. Last week she was hospitalized again and will have to stay until the baby comes. We won't get to do a formal maternity session, so we improvised! Using her bed sheet and window light, we did a very quick shoot right there in her hospital room! I think she's beautiful. Of course, I'm a bit partial since this is MY grandchild we're awaiting!!

Seeing the beauty...

By now I know we are all sick to death of ice, snow, and cold weather! I hope that if you're reading this, it means your power has been restored and that your family is doing well. I finally got to sleep in my own bed just last night. Telephone service hasn't been restored, but I'm so grateful to have power again AND nice warm temperatures! It will take some time, but eventually life will get back to normal for us all.

This new year has been quite challenging for many of us on various levels. I find solice at times by getting lost photography; finding beauty and interest in ordinary things. It's not "just a job" at all - it's something that gives me great pleasure. Before I had to abandon my house 2 weeks ago, I bundled up and went outside in search of the beautiful images I knew were present amongst all of the destruction brought by the ice storm. I hope you can enjoy them too!