I intended to get this post up much earlier than this evening, but my Internet connection has been out almost ALL weekend - bummer! So here's the scoop on the Spring Baby Contest. Ready? Little ones photographed between now and June 1st will be eligible to enter a Spring Baby photo contest hosted here on the CSP Blog! I'm excited!! Photos of the contestants will be posted here by June 7th and voting will be open until June 19th. On June 21st (the first day of summer), I'll announce the winner, who will receive their mommy and daddy's choice of a $50 print credit OR a free location session (also a $50 value - does not include prints).
Here are just a few cutie pies from 2007!

Contest Rules: Schedule a photo session between now and June 1st of your little one. We'll have a category for babies 0 - 2 yr, and a separate category for 2 - 5 yr olds! Regular session fees apply and must be paid in full to enter the contest.
Right now I have studio sessions available on April 5th and May 3rd. They'll go fast, so click
here to schedule yours today!